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Need some cheap calls to Australia mobile? Call2Call has you covered!
Posted on Fri, 03/28/2014 - 12:21
If you, like many people out there, are having trouble with finding cheap calls to Australia then do not worry!
We have just cut our prices down even further than before, so you can now call Australia mobile from just 3p...

Call a loved one in Iran from 8p per minute and wish them Nowruz Mubarak!
Posted on Fri, 03/21/2014 - 14:35
With our cheap calls to Iran from 8p per minute when you dial 0871 606 0707, why not ring your dearest and wish them all the best for the New Year.
Our calls from UK mobiles to Iranian mobiles can be had for as little as...

Cristobal says thanks for cheap calls to Spain
I was always quite a social person back in Spain. I used to meet up with my friends on a daily basis and have family time with my parents during the weekends.
When I moved to the UK, to do a PhD in...

Cheap calls to Brazil Mobile! Only 1.5p per minute.
Posted on Thu, 03/06/2014 - 11:33
If you have a relative or friend in Brazil and you need to call them then do not fear. Call2Call has recently cut their prices to call mobiles so you can now call a loved on on their cell phone for 1.5p per minute!

Need some incredibly cheap calls to Nigeria? Don’t worry; our rates start from just 2p!
Posted on Fri, 02/14/2014 - 15:08
Call2Call have done it again; you can now call your friends and family in Nigeria from an all time low rate of just 2p.

Keeping in touch with my family with help from Call2Call
I have been living in the UK for 16 years; I originally came to the UK from Pakistan to pursue a career in engineering, but found it difficult to keep in touch with my family back home.
In fact it was almost impossible to make a cheap...

Need cheap calls to the Netherlands? You’re in luck as our prices are cut to less than 1p per minute!
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2014 - 15:39
It is that time of year again where everyone is feeling the post-christmas pinch and so we have slashed our prices to make sure that you can make cheap calls to dutch landlines for 0.5p a minute and dutch mobiles for...

How cheap international calls are vital for students studying in London
During your time at university, it is fair to say that you do not have much time for anything apart from studying and partying. The biggest problem for me was trying not to break the bank whilst making sure to...

Want cheap calls to Germany? Call2Call have cut prices so that calls now cost less than 1p!
Posted on Fri, 02/07/2014 - 16:50
We have slashed our prices for anyone who wants to call friends or family in Germany. We have a really simple and easy to use service for those wishing to make cheap calls from their landline or mobile.

Ghana Mobile now only 7p with Call2Call!
Posted on Fri, 11/29/2013 - 15:48
Just in time for Christmas, Call2Call have dropped the price for calling mobile phones in Ghana to 7p per minute. All you need to do to make cheaper international calls to Ghana is dial 0871 771 0707, charged at only 7p from a BT landine, and we...