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Call these countries FREE with Call2Call!
Posted on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 13:57
As we pointed out in this post, some of you are able to make calls to 0870 numbers for FREE!
To take advantage of...

Posted on Tue, 05/17/2016 - 13:45
WHO? - If you're a BT, Sky, Virgin, EE or Vodafone customer this could apply to some of you already, or if not, you simply have to get a small add-on package.
HOW? - BT, Sky and...

Use FREE minutes to make cheap international calls NOW.
Posted on Mon, 10/05/2015 - 15:17
This product is no longer available
As of 31st October 2023, the use of 0905 529 0707 to get a £5 calling card is no longer available.

Calls to 0800 numbers free from mobiles!
Posted on Tue, 07/21/2015 - 15:31
July 2015 has seen a number of changes in UK telephony, details of which can be found here, but one of the most important in that all calls to 0800 numbers are now FREE from mobile phones!

Six things to do in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Posted on Tue, 07/21/2015 - 13:59
The world is packed full of interesting places to see and cultures to immerse yourself in. Rarely do you find a place more fascinating than Dhaka in Bangladesh.
Even though Bangladesh has only existed officially since 1971, it has a history...

Congratulate your German mates using cheap calls to Germany from Call2Call.
Posted on Tue, 07/15/2014 - 14:22
Well done Germany, winners of the World Cup for the 4th time! Now call your German friends and family and remind them, as Spain found out, once you reach the top, the only way is down.
We have a 1p access number, 0844 605 0707...

Need some cheap calls to Australia mobile? Call2Call has you covered!
Posted on Fri, 03/28/2014 - 12:21
If you, like many people out there, are having trouble with finding cheap calls to Australia then do not worry!
We have just cut our prices down even further than before, so you can now call Australia mobile from just 3p...

Call a loved one in Iran from 8p per minute and wish them Nowruz Mubarak!
Posted on Fri, 03/21/2014 - 14:35
With our cheap calls to Iran from 8p per minute when you dial 0871 606 0707, why not ring your dearest and wish them all the best for the New Year.
Our calls from UK mobiles to Iranian mobiles can be had for as little as...

Cheap calls to Brazil Mobile! Only 1.5p per minute.
Posted on Thu, 03/06/2014 - 11:33
If you have a relative or friend in Brazil and you need to call them then do not fear. Call2Call has recently cut their prices to call mobiles so you can now call a loved on on their cell phone for 1.5p per minute!

Need some incredibly cheap calls to Nigeria? Don’t worry; our rates start from just 2p!
Posted on Fri, 02/14/2014 - 15:08
Call2Call have done it again; you can now call your friends and family in Nigeria from an all time low rate of just 2p.