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Call Turkey from only 3p per minute

Cheap international calls to Turkey

Using Call2Call could not be cheaper or easier. Find out how.

Cheap international calls to Turkey

Calls from a UK landline

Make instant, cheap international calls to Turkey from any phone without having to set-up an account or make any pre-payment

To call landlines
Dial 0844 799 0707
per minute + your phone company's access charge
To call mobiles
Dial 0911 552 0707
per minute + your phone company's access charge

Calls using any UK phone

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To call landlines
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To call mobiles
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  • 1

    Dial the access number shown above. When connected to our service you will hear a welcome message

  • 2

    Dial the international number you wish to call, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 90

  • 3

    Get connected to Turkey paying only the cost of dialling the cheap rate number plus your phone company's access charge

  • 4

    It's so simple so why not start calling your friends and family now

Calls are charged from time of connection to the service at the indicated rate plus your phone company's access charge. Please contact your phone company for details of these charges. Please obtain bill payer's permission before making the call. Service provider: IV Response Ltd

  • 1

    This product is no longer available

This product is no longer available

Why wait? Call Turkey today with our low rates from just 3p per minute!

Want to make cheap international calls to Turkey from the UK but want to avoid breaking the bank? Now you can with the amazing service offered by Call2Call.

Usually, calling Turkey can be quite expensive. Our rates for calling landlines start at just 2p per minute and our rates for calling mobile phones start at 8p per minute. Amazing value for money from any phone!

If you were to call Turkey using a BT line you would be charged 85p per minute; That's over 4 times more expensive than our override service and over 42 times more expensive than our calling card! To make a cheap call from your landline to a mobile in Turkey you simply have to dial 0911 552 0707 followed by the number you wish to call. Make sure to remember to include the Turkey country code 00 90.

Our cheap calls to Turkey allow you to save money on calls from both your landline and mobile phone!

Our team of network specialists constantly monitor our service to make sure it is available all day and throughout the year. This lets you talk to anyone you want in Turkey at a time that suits you best!

Making cheap international calls to Turkey using our direct dial access numbers is very, very easy.

  • Before you dial your international number, call 0844 799 0707
  • When connected to the Call2Call service you will hear a welcome message
  • Dial the Turkish number you need, remembering to include the full international dial code; 00 90
  • For example, if you want to make a low cost call to a landline in Istanbul, dial 0844 799 0707 first, at the prompt dial 0090 212 123 4567 and get connected
  • You only pay the indicated cost plus your phone company's access charge in your usual way
  • The Turkish number you call will not appear on your bill, only the 0844 799 0707 number will be shown
Get in touch with a relative or friend in Turkey from your mobile phone for only 13p per minute!

Make cheap international calls from your mobile by dialling 0905 529 0707 and we will provide you with £5 of international calling credit, the cost of which is added to your next monthly bill or taken from your pre-paid credit. You will receive, via text, a unique PIN and a UK landline number; 0161 664 0707.

Call the UK landline number, at no cost if your talk plan allows, and upon connection to the service you enter your PIN to access your call credit. Dial the number in Turkey you want to call [including the Turkey country code 00 90] and speak to mobiles for an unbelievable 8p per minute and landlines for an impossibly low price of 2p per minute.

If you have inclusive minutes then your calls to the access number will be taken from those. If you do not have inclusive minutes, and you do not want to be charged heavily by your mobile provider, then use this free phone number, 0800 883 0707, to access your credit.

Spread the word! Why not help others find out about cheap calls to Turkey?

Turkish dial codes

  • Adana 00 90 322, 323
  • Adapazari 00 90 264, 265
  • Adiyaman 00 90 416, 417
  • Afyon 00 90 272, 273
  • Agri 00 90 472, 473
  • Aksaray 00 90 382, 383
  • Amasya 00 90 358, 359
  • Ankara 00 90 312, 313
  • Antalya 00 90 242, 243
  • Ardahan 00 90 478, 479
  • Artvin 00 90 466, 467
  • Aydin 00 90 256, 257
  • Balikesir 00 90 266, 267
  • Bartin 00 90 378, 379
  • Batman 00 90 488, 489
  • Bayburt 00 90 458, 459
  • Bilecik 00 90 228, 229
  • Bingol 00 90 426, 427
  • Bitus 00 90 434, 435
  • Bolu 00 90 374, 375
  • Burdur 00 90 248, 249
  • Bursa 00 90 224, 225
  • Canakkale 00 90 286, 287
  • Cankiri 00 90 376, 377
  • Corum 00 90 364, 365
  • Denizli 00 90 258, 259
  • Diyarbakir 00 90 412, 413
  • Edirne 00 90 284, 285
  • Elazig 00 90 424, 425
  • Erzincan 00 90 446, 447
  • Erzurum 00 90 442, 443
  • Eskisehir 00 90 222, 223
  • Gaziantep 00 90 342, 343
  • Giresun 00 90 454, 455
  • Gumushane 00 90 456, 457
  • Hakkari 00 90 438, 439
  • Hatay 00 90 326, 327
  • Icel (Mersin) 00 90 324, 325
  • Igdir 00 90 476, 477
  • Isparta 00 90 246, 247
  • Istanbul Asya (Asia side) 00 90 216, 217
  • Istanbul Avrupa (Europe side) 00 90 212, 213
  • Izmir 00 90 232, 233
  • Izmit 00 90 262, 263
  • Kahramanmaras 00 90 344, 345
  • Karaman 00 90 338, 339
  • Kars 00 90 474, 475
  • Kastamonu 00 90 366, 367
  • Kayseri 00 90 352, 352
  • Kirikkale 00 90 318, 319
  • Kirklareli 00 90 288, 289
  • Kirsehir 00 90 386, 387
  • Kocaeli 00 90 262, 263
  • Konya 00 90 332, 333
  • Kutahya 00 90 274, 275
  • Malatya 00 90 422, 423
  • Manisa 00 90 236, 237
  • Mardin 00 90 482, 483
  • Mobile Phones00 90 5
  • Mugla 00 90 252, 253
  • Mus 00 90 436, 437
  • Nevsehir 00 90 384, 385
  • Nigde 00 90 388, 389
  • Ordu 00 90 452, 453
  • Rize 00 90 464, 465
  • Sakarya 00 90 264, 265
  • Samsun 00 90 362, 363
  • Sanliurfa 00 90 414, 415
  • Siirt 00 90 484, 485
  • Sinop 00 90 368, 369
  • Sirnak 00 90 486, 487
  • Sivas 00 90 346, 347
  • Tekirdag 00 90 282, 283
  • Tokat 00 90 356, 357
  • Trabzon 00 90 462, 463
  • Tunceli 00 90 428, 429
  • Turkey00 90
  • Usak 00 90 276, 277
  • Van 00 90 432, 433
  • Yalova 00 90 226, 227
  • Yozgat 00 90 354, 355
  • Zonguldak 00 90 372, 373
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